Sunday, October 4, 2009

Finding an Editor - Tips from Editor Namrata Tripathi

At the SCBWI fall conference last weekend I was pleased to meet Atheneum Books for Young Readers' Executive Editor Namrata Tripathi, who not only gave helpful tips about the publishing industry, but who also demonstrated that editors are cool people both behind the desk and away from it. : )

During one of the break-out sessions she spoke about how to find the "right" editor for you.

Yes, yes, I know that most of us authors out here are just hoping to find AN EDITOR, ANY editor, forget about whether it's the RIGHT editor to match our personality, our book, and our career goals.

But I think the tips Namrata shared about finding the "Right" editor deserve strong consideration. Check them out.

Namrata said:

1.) Try to find (submit to and accept a contract with,) someone who shares your personality. This should also be someone who publishes the kind of books you like to read and the kind of books you like to write.

2.) "See which editor and which (publishing) house is interested in developing your career over the long term."

3.) If an editor, or more than one, becomes interested in your work, figure out what it is that YOU will need from your editor (compatible personality style for working together on revisions, similar communication style, etc), and consider whether the editor expressing interest in your book can meet those needs.

4.) If an editor offers to buy your book and thus take you and your book forward in the publishing process consider the revision process that editor is requiring. Ask yourself "How much work/revision am I going to have to do" based on this editor's vision for the book? And "am I going to have to go in a direction that I do or don't agree with?"

Great suggestions, Namrata. It's good for us as authors to remember that we don't have to put our "babies" in just anybody's hands. We can carefully submit our work to editors who we like, who like and can work professionally with us, and who love our babies as much as we do.


Kit said...

great thoughts Janelle,
so true-

Janelle said...

Hey all, one random side note.
The Cybils Literary Awards are open for nominations NOW until Oct 15th.

All kids books published in English between Oct. 16, 2008 and the close of this year's nominations are eligible. Nominations close at 11:59 p.m. on October 15th.

Go to
to nominate books you've loved this year.

Bish Denham said...

Good common sense advise.

And it was way good "talking" with you on Monday!

Mellisa said...

Hey there,

Are you planning to attend SCBWI-New York (national event)? If so, email me so we can talk because I am attending this year!


--Mellisa Tetterton

Janelle said...

Alas, nope! Not planning to attend the NY SCBWI conference this year, Mellisa. But I'm looking forward to hearing your updates about what happened there right here on writermorphosis when you get back! Thanks for agreeing to be a guest blogger!