More than 1000 people per month read this blog -- or so say the stats. I'm so thrilled that you're reading. Thanks so much for being so dedicated, and interested, and for always coming by! :)
Alas, one sad thing for me is that very few of you write comments on the blog.
This makes it hard for me to know which blog posts are most helpful to you.
It also doesn't give the wonderful expert authors who share their tips with you the opportunity to hear your feedback and thoughts about what you learned from them -- which would make the blog interviews even better!
So, I'm hosting a COMMENTS CONTEST this summer. It's easy to win.
Over the next few months (as always,) great YA/MG/Children's authors will share tips with you here, about specific aspects of the craft and the children's/YA publishing industry.
(Next up is award-winning and brilliant YA nonfiction author Steve Sheinkin).
As always there will also be posts containing other helpful info to further your writing career -- contests, publishing opportunities, and links. Posts will continue to appear on the blog each Saturday morning.
So, here's how to win the contest.
1.) It runs from The 1st Saturday post in June TO the last Saturday post in August, 2013.
2.) EVERY TIME that you write a relevant (related to that post) comment on any post during the June-August 2013 time period A Slip of paper containing your name will be placed in the drawing jar. This means that the number of relevant comments you make will equal the number of opportunities you have to win! It's that easy!
3.) 4 Lucky Winners will be selected from the jar at the end of August! :)
They'll each win a YA/Children's book by one of our summer expert authors -- each with a special writing or publishing tip from the expert author inside.
So, don't be shy. Share your thoughts on the June, July and August Posts!
(Yes, this means there may be some posts from June that you've already missed. But there's still time to comment on them!)
**Having Trouble posting comments directly onto the blog? NO Worries! Send your comment via email to and I'll post your comments on the blog for you.
Now....May the best commenters win!
Here are Links to the Posts from June: